R & R For Everyone!
The National Theatre Workshops for the Handicapped is offering writing workshops for disabled veterans in Belfast, Maine this summer. I was accepted with a full scholarship that covers room and board, tuition, and travel expenses. The focus of the workshop is playwriting. At the end of the session, one play will be selected to be performed on Broadway in New York, then it will be aired on PBS television. It is an awesome opportunity, to say the least!
The Crosby facility is located on Penobscot Bay, so I will be able to enjoy the delicious smell of salt spray in the air once again. The session I am attending runs from 28 July through August 7th, but I plan to stay in Maine to visit for a few days after the workshop ends. As much as I'd like to, I can't stay very long because Carrie will be home from Iraq on R & R that month, and I want to make sure everything is ready for her and "Rob."
Who's Rob? Well, I guess you could say he's probably our future son-in-law. He was a gunner like Carrie for a while, but developed ulcers and was sent home. The love birds will spend a few days with his parents, then a week with us, and will take the last few days for themselves (I don't blame them a bit!) Jeff and I are both looking forward to meeting him.
Debbie told me you got accepted to this workshop. It sounds absolutely wonderful. I'm envious!
I'll send pictures!
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